Big Book | Test 26 | Section 2 | Page 1018 | Q17 - Verbal

BB T26 S2 P1018 Q17 or link: As Gilbert White, Darwin, and others observed long ago, all : Reading Comprehension - Page 2

  1. The author of the passage is primarily concerned with
    A discussing two categories of factors that control population growth and assessing their relative importance
    B describing how growth rates in natural populations fluctuate over time and explaining why these changes occur
    C proposing a hypothesis concerning population sizes and suggesting ways to test it
    D posing a fundamental question about environmental factors in population growth and presenting some currently accepted answers
    E refuting a commonly accepted theory about population density and offering a new alternative

For question 17: I found it extremely hard to eliminate the wrong answer E. Can someone please help explain why did you eliminate E? I actually chose E and eliminated A.

E. refuting a commonly accepted theory about population density and offering a new alternative

For me, ‘the commonly accepted theory’ here is the school of thought mentioned in the passage: ‘the dichotomy of density-dependent and density-independent’. I think what the author did at the end of the passage was to refute the dichotomy: “But it now seems clear that all populations are regulated by a mixture of density-dependent and density-independent effects in varying proportions.” This means ‘refuting’ wording is correct

Isn’t it true that the author offers a new alternative: “all populations are regulated by a mixture of density-dependent and density-independent” not just the one or another just like dichotomy suggested

What am I doing wrong here?

I eliminated A bc it uses the phrase “two categories of factors.” I thought this equals “the environmental and biological factors,” and this phrase is only mentioned at the beginning of the passage. A very brief mention, can’t be the main or primary thing being discussed in the passage

*I watched the explanation video from Gregmat but he didn’t get into the depth of how he eliminated this choice

I think you’re overthinking this a lot!

This dichotomy is previously referencing to the two groups introduced in the para2 - density dependent and density independent.

I would’ve eliminated E on one-word : refuting

Thank you for sharing your thoughts, but I thought the author did refute the dichotomy theory. Isn’t it the case with the sentence in the last paragraph?

“But it now seems clear that all populations are regulated by a mixture of density-dependent and density-independent effects in varying proportions.” This means ‘refuting’ wording is correct

Isn’t this accepting the theory ? The author is now accepting(seems clear) the fact that dichotomy theory(density-dependent and density-independent effects ) are regulating the whole population

I thought the ecologists regard dichotomy as follows: “density-dependent” regulates only stable populations, and “density-independent” regulates only unstable populations. I thought that was what dichotomy meant. But the author, on the other hand, refutes this idea by saying both “-dependent” & “-independent” working together in any type of population.