Big Book Test 3 Section 5- Question 1


Hey, I tried solving this question but I’m not sure if my logic is correct. I’ve mentioned it below. If someone could help me I’d be grateful.

In the above question, I tried applying the math strategy. I identified that as the Support phrase. Now, on the left we had simple, which I considered positive and thus, selected “Praise” because the discovery is so simple to state and grasp that it’s praised.

I didn’t think " underrate " would be correct because then it’d be like creating a story? That a discovery is so simple to state and grasp that it’s underrated. I mean, I felt there is no evidence to say that it’s underrated except the outside info. / theory that when things are simple, it’s not valued and is underrated. While the direct meaning only says such discovery is praised.


Yes, it is a support phrase, using the math strategy you will notice that the only sentence that stands out is so simple to state and to grasp that there is a tendency to every other sentence is unrelated.

Basically it is so simple it can be overlooked or ignored. You do not want to praise something simple. The best choice is underrate.

I hope it is clear.

Yes, it’s clear now. Thank you.