Big Book Test 7 TC Question


The answer to the above question is (B). I was confused b/w B and E but ended up choosing (E) because “since” indicates support and the phrase after “since” says that philosophers use science so the differences b/w science and philosophy would be impossible to document.

Could someone explain why (E) is wrong? It seems like a better fit than (B).

first the questions states that “Philosophers use scientific concepts as the foundation for their speculations” So ,its pointing more towards how science influence philosophy rather than how science is dependent on philosophy .

Secondly , if you look the clue for second blank "since is it is almost axiomatic " the author is saying that that science is self-evident or unquestionable hence, documenting its influence on philosophy is unnecessary as its self-evident or axiomatic


In addition to what Mr. Putin already stated, E cannot be true because merely using scientific concepts for the foundations does not automatically imply that philosophy becomes undistinguishable from science. Yet, on the other hand, an influence of science on philosophy does follow.


Ah I didn’t know the meaning of axiomatic. Thank you for the explanation!

Yup, this makes sense. Thank you!

you’re welcome