Big Book Test 8: Section 5 Q:5

In above question, I am understanding why D is correct answer and I was able to eliminate A and B. But I am not sure how to eliminate choices C and E for sure.

How I approached It:

  1. Reduced sentence to: Current Tech will continue to be ----- but will be ----- by new tech.
  2. Current Tech cannot CONTINUE to be fruitful if reversed by new tech, hence A is eliminated.
  3. If Current Tech will continue to refine then it is upgrading already, then but does not make sense in the sentence, hence B is eliminated.
  4. If Current Tech will continue to be used then It can simultaneously be improved/supplemented by new tech, Hence D seems good choice.


  1. Current Tech can be harmless but continue to be improved by new tech. How to eliminate E then? May be they are making it more harmless. No?
  2. If Current Tech will continue to be inconvenient then we need to reassess it, which new tech might do. How to eliminate Option C then?

Any help would be really appreciated.
Thank you

I can’t find a word or phrase in the question that means this or points towards this