In above question, I am understanding why D is correct answer and I was able to eliminate A and B. But I am not sure how to eliminate choices C and E for sure.
How I approached It:
- Reduced sentence to: Current Tech will continue to be ----- but will be ----- by new tech.
- Current Tech cannot CONTINUE to be fruitful if reversed by new tech, hence A is eliminated.
- If Current Tech will continue to refine then it is upgrading already, then but does not make sense in the sentence, hence B is eliminated.
- If Current Tech will continue to be used then It can simultaneously be improved/supplemented by new tech, Hence D seems good choice.
- Current Tech can be harmless but continue to be improved by new tech. How to eliminate E then? May be they are making it more harmless. No?
- If Current Tech will continue to be inconvenient then we need to reassess it, which new tech might do. How to eliminate Option C then?
Any help would be really appreciated.
Thank you