Big Book Wallkthroughs

Want to take a practice test this weekend but want to save PowerPrep for week before the exam, does Greg have walkthroughs of all Big Book exams? LOVE his video walkthroughs and want to be able to see explanation for questions I get wrong instead of just checking answer. Seems to have walkthroughs for following along with one month plan so figured I would ask if there is a library of all of them

Yes, we do! You can access the Big Book (commonly known as old GRE) walkthroughs here.

Currently we cover six practice sets of the Big Book: short reading passages, long reading passages, text completion, chart questions, harder quant questions, and critical reasoning.

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wow thanks! this is awesome!!! :slight_smile:


this link isn’t opening for me, is the page down now?

Yes, that link is no longer active. You can access the class through this link: Old GRE Walkthroughs - GregMat

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link is not opening for me…is it down???

Unfortunately we had to remove it due to ETS copyright complaints. We’re trying to work with them to get it back up.

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Hi can you please tell me what is the big book? And how can I access the tests?

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It’s an old book with 27 old tests. In most countries you can’t buy it anymore so you’ll need to look for it online.