Bigbook Test 3 section 5 ques 19

Why isnt the answer (B)
The para seems to be highlighting the unique/original quality of Nevelson’s work. The quote seems to be in the extension of that

The answer states unique qualities. So for it to right, in passage, there should be quality 1, quality 2…

Basically the author is emphasizing his view towards the painter in the passage

Hi, thank you for the response.

I didnt get the concept of multiple qualities. The dialogue says that generally people don’t succeed in those things which infers she was one of the very few (also there its mentioned she was the first) means among women she was the only one.

Also a line before this says original female artist which makes us inclined more towards unique quality of nevelson.

Yes C also seems a correct option but I found enough evidence for B so i was inclined towards it. Can you pls help me understand where is my analysis going wrong?

Qualities is in plural so there is no where mention of multiple qualities in the passage.

Someone has original idea doesn’t mean it has many unique qualities. We can infer atleast one unique quality not many

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