Can somebody explain me why word like conventional is answer. I think opposite of conventional because there is a word “removed” so blank should be opposite of conventional. Kindly clarify me.
“the conventionality of academe” is meant to restate “the _____ of society”, not “appeared wholly removed from the ____ of society”. This can be discerned from the word types of those phrases.
Comma indicates support, “the conventionality of academe” supports “the ____ of society”, I put conventionality in the blank
Are society and academe viewed as contrast word?
I thought conventionality of academe so James is in the conventional of society as he seems worldly. But removes mean opposite of conventional. Am i right?
The function of the phrase “the conventionality of academe” is to restate only the phrase “the ------ of society”. So you can just put conventionality. The comma does not compare “the conventionality of academe” to “wholly removed from the ---- of society”. Including “wholly removed from” is including words that are grammatically not being compared.
If you want to use the word “removed”, you need to compare different parts of the sentence. A way to rephrase the sentence would be “without seemingly unworldly, WJ appeared unworldly”. Here, I am using unworldly to replace “wholly removed form the ---- of society”. Removed here is a negative, so I assume “the ---- of society” means the opposite of unworldly (worldly), and pick a word that most closely matches.
I think this is a substantially more complicated way to approach the problem, though.
I don’t believe society and academe are contrast words.
Maybe you are not getting my point of question.
If I rephrasse without seemingly unworldly, it looks: With seemingly worldly cutting out and un. So the idea is worldly now.
My question is idea looks worldly, how unworldly idea comes in the following sentene as you noted appeared unworldly.
Agreed, I’m not the best at explaining these types of things. But I will try!
My understanding of the phrase “without seeming” is that it lessens the severity of a descriptor or label. So someone does something, but not so severely that they seem extreme. For example,
- without seeming angry, I said angry things
- to me, this makes more sense than → “without seeming angry, I said happy things”
- without seeming biased, I strongly supported one side of the argument
- to me, this makes more sense than → “without seeming biased, I supported both sides of the argument”
So in this case, it would be “without seeming unworldly, WJ did things that were unworldly”