Confusion on Question About Recording Titles Distributed by L and M


I am confused about how to approach this question. Specifically, I tried using a Venn diagram to visualize the problem, but it seems like there isn’t enough information to fill it out completely. I’m also struggling to understand the precise meaning of each statement, particularly statements A and B. How should I interpret “more than half”?

My Attempts:

  • I set up a Venn diagram with ∣L∣=7,100, ∣M∣=5,200, and ∣L∪M∣=9,300| = 9,300
  • I derived that the intersection ∣L∩M∣ could be calculated as ∣L∩M∣=∣L∣+∣M∣−∣L∪M∣=7,100+5,200−9,300=3,000
  • However, I’m unsure how to proceed to verify statements A and B based on this intersection. Additionally, I don’t fully understand what the question is asking for in statement C.

Uhhh i think you’re on the right track, so what’s the issue?

You just have to consider \frac{|L|}{2} and \frac{|M|}{2} to choose between A and B. It’s just asking you how the cardinality of these individual sets compare with the cardinality of the intersection.

As for C, it says that the intersection has cardinality 0, is that true according to your calculation?