Contrast detection and answering questions

When we identify a contrast word or a phrase, we look towards the left or right to answer the other part. When the contrast has already been made with words or phrases present on both sides, we just copy the remaining idea as it is because the contrast word or phrase has played its role.
For example: I love pizza but you love hotdogs, where but contrasted pizza with hotdogs.

Having said that, in this question, to solve the first blank, don’t we think remarkably already contrasted worthwhile, stable with oppressive, bankrupt? If this is true, shouldn’t the blank infer “endorsement → promotion” ? Using this logic, I identified only one positive answer choice and went with B.

No? remarkable and worthwhile are not opposites are they?

That’s not what I meant. remarkably contrasted worthwhile, stable with oppressive and bankrupt.

I think it’s more “endorsment of it as worthwhile stable” contrasts with “_______ of it as an oppressive and bankrupt”.

Since “endorsement” is tethered to worthwhile and stable, I think B1 is tethered with “oppressive and bankrupt”. This is because of the “as” I believe.