Critical Reasoning Ques

The plant called the scarlet gilia can have either red or white flowers. It had long been
thought that hummingbirds, which forage by day, pollinate its red flowers and that
hawkmoths, which forage at night, pollinate its white flowers. To try to show that this
pattern of pollination by colors exists, scientists recently covered some scarlet gilia
flowers only at night and others only by day: plants with red flowers covered at night
became pollinated; plants with white flowers covered by day became pollinated.

What exactly is the meaning of covered here? Like if some flower is covered than how can it be pollinated?

if you write the down the import details then you easily understand what is going on!

Scarlet Gilia : Red or White

HummingBird(HB) → Red + Day = Pollinate
HawkMoths(HM) -->White+Night = Pollinate

Now, the Experiment :
Covered: Red during Night → Pollinated
Covered:White during Day → Pollinated

Conclusion : This further proves our original thesis that HummingBird(HB )pollinates Red so, covering at night doesn’t interfere with pollination and same for HawkMonths