Devastated to see PP1 score

I have just completed PP1 and am devastated to see the score. I got 149 in verbal and 151 in Quant. I strictly followed Gregmatt up to week 7 and prepswift. My target is 315 and 160 in Quant. I registered for the real test on September 26. I’m afraid now I can’t reach my goal after seeing the PP1 score. However, I can reschedule at most October 10. Please suggest how I can reach my target score within the next 1 month.
During the test, I realized I’m pretty bad at time management. Besides, I couldn’t able to understand most of the reading questions. I didn’t find any options to review after completing the test. Does free PowerPrep not provide this option?

I will personally take this in a positive way. These results tell me that there are clear-cut problems with my fundamentals, and I am thinking that I am understanding what I am learning, but in reality, there is a gap. Another way to check if there is a gap in your understanding or not is to take one of the mini-tests on the Gregmat website. If you’re scoring between 40-50% in that, then this further proves that you’re not really understanding the material.

My question for you is: How are you affirming that you’re truly understanding what you’re learning? Are you doing timed sets for verbal from the BigBook and timed sets for quant from the 5lb book for the topics you have learned? What was your accuracy in your homework, and were you doing it under timed or untimed conditions?

More time will only help when you’re able to identify the gaps within your current learning practice. If you yourself aren’t able to identify where you are going wrong then I don’t think having more will be of much help. I will also take the advantage of having a beer/coffee with Greg or Vince Session to ask for tips on the same. (tip: Join 15-20 mins before these session start and raise your hand immediately . Also, don’t be shy from asking questions!)

Thank you so much. I do need to hear this. Yes, I have solved the big books and 5 lb problems mentioned in the 2 months plan. However, I did not solve them under timed conditions. I think I need to work on my foundation and time management strategy.

You can try this out, divide the hw into 2 sets → suppose there are 10 questions in the hw then you can do 5 un-timed then 5 timed (do all 5 together). For the topics you think you’re better a,t I will increase this to 3 un-timed and 7 timed etc…

Also, make a error log of sorts and do a review of what you have learn for each day. And the next day when you start your GRE studies first glance at the error log , so you know where you are making the mistakes!

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