Do Not agree with Greg's solution

In Week 2 Day 1 The Piece Method video is the 2 month study plan, Greg discussed the attached question. I however, donot agree with the reasoning Greg provided.
However, my reasoning is that

  1. Division word “but” implies its a contrast. Piece #2 implies the idea is “broad”. So far agreed with Greg.

  2. Piece #1 should imply “narrow”. However, since the piece has “not” before the blank, I think it flips the contrast and blank should be filled with “board provisions”.

What am I missing here? Please help me understand.

Hi there,

It may help you to understand by rephrasing the sentence like this:
Magna Carta is significant for its broader impact(making the king subject to the law) not for some of its specific provisions.

Here, “not” and “but” work together and create contrast between the “specific provisions” and “broader impacts”.

Also, I don’t think the following is a sensible sentence:
The significance of the Magna Carta lies not in its broader provisions, but in its broader impact…

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