Doubt from last question from determining support contrast part 2

This is how I interpreted the question:
“A misconception frequently held by novice writers is that sentence structure mirrors thoughts” which means its a misconception that sentence structure mirrors thoughts i.e. sentence structure does not mirror thoughts.
“:” means the second part of the sentence supports the previous idea.
“the more convoluted the structure, the more _____ the ideas.” - now since sentence structure does not mirror thoughts, convoluted structure would mean not convoluted ideas. So the blank should be simple or clear or straightforward.

But in the video it was discussed that the blank would be convoluted.
I have just started doing verbal so I get a bit confused even with some simple questions. Can someone help me understand where I am going wrong?

Nop, we’re not trying to clear the misconception in here , we’re just elaboration on this statement. The colon : is used to introduce an explanation or clarification for the preceding statement.


Then the idea is that we need A = B

Oh right!! Got it now. Thank you so much!