While trying the above question I did not understand 2 things.
- The logic of the multiplier.
- Why was 2 added to both the numerator and the denominator,
I added 2 to the denominator alone as I thought the number of women was increasing, but also I kind of understand that 2 should be added to the numerator because the ratio changes.
However, please do clear this for me @HoldMyBeer @gregmat
Two men also joined the club.
Ohhhh didn’t see that. Thank you. Also any idea on the logic off the multiplier, like how does it effect the final answer
Is the multiplier 9x and 20x?
According to the explanation ‘x’ is the multiplier basically any number which will keep the ratio intact no matter what the value of x
I think your definition of the “multiplier” is a little odd. 9:20 (and by extension 9x:20x) is just the ratio.