Doubt in solution for cardboard box problem (Triangles)


In W3:D2, Triangles Practice, Greg solved Q11 to find the answer as B. I solved the question to find the answer as A.

I’m having trouble understanding how come the sides of the square were found to be √ 2 (Leading to the answer being 2√2:3 , rather than 2:3. Since the question does not tell us about the length of the square, I should be able to assume that each side is 2, and proceed right? In that case, the perimeter is 8 for the square, 12 for the rectangle (as each square’s side is 2 and two sides form the length of the rectangle; one side forms the width).

Thank you

See Figures X and Y above show how eight identical triangular pieces of ca : Problem Solving (PS)

Answer is C.

To answer your question: take a good look at the inner triangles for the first square. What actually constitutes the side of the square - the base or the hypotenuse of the triangle?

Thanks for your reply! This helps; I wish I had been on the live session to clarify this on the spot.