Doubt in the verbal question

In this question, i thought the first blank should be something like relevant or applicable or analogous , then “ ; “ meant its the support , so i construed that second blank should be not required.
Why is the second blank warranted?
Please help to explain this.
Thank you in advance.

D. applicable … warranted.

Despite research suggests something is amiss. In other words whatever we have is not enough in some way. And it’s not directly GOOD/RELEVANT/APPLICABLE; thus … so we have the “thus” and the semi-colon that tells us the second sentence is going to continue on this thought.

If the research isn’t good/relevant/applicable, than we need new program of research specifically address such questions. The “such questions” suggests that the original research missed the mark somehow. It’s not applicable

So now we know the first should be some thing like APPLICABLE. And the second we need New Program is NEEDED.

If we go down, we are left with D. And when we check our answer, we see that the whole sentence does make sense.

Despite many decades of research on the gasification of coal, the data accumulated are not directly APPLICABLE to environmental questions; thus a new program of research specifically addressing such questions is WARRANTED.

What I find is there is no one thing that get’s you there. It’s a number of things that come together. But the bottom line is the number of things must come from the sentence and not a story.

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Can you please explain this as well?

I would do the 2nd first. So the important word there is ,“smug.” Now the but gets tricky. It would seem that we are expecting the opposite as in “not A but B.” And that’s not what is happening here.


I think this is a very hard one. And what makes it hard is the but doesn’t always mean negation.

Think of this: you worked all day studying the GRE. You feel good for what you have accomplished but you feel tired.

So now let’s take another try:

You hiss at the villain feel good about your self but in a self satisfied way. So, you hiss and feel good about yourself. And that brings you to:

boredom, condensencion, self-righteous, guilt, and skepticism to choose from.

Well condensation or self-righteous could work. You could hiss, feel all self important or condescending either one (although even more self important goes with smug. Kind of like hard work goes with tired.)

So now the first one forgotten or classified.

It’s not forgotten. That’s not what people do. Forget then hiss … No, they identify who the bad guy is – the villain. Then we hiss and feel all self important and good. The villain is bad and we are good.

So we now have: identify and we have self important. And what fits: Well if you identify = classify. Self important=self righteous. And that’s C.

There may be an easier way to get at it. But that’s mine.

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Thank you so much!