Hi. I was able to score 14 out of 15 in easy difficulty test and as per Greg’s comment i am in 150+ zone but i scored very poorly in medium difficulty test. I have completed 2 months study plan and prepswift basics. What can i do to take my score to next level? I have 20 days left for the exam.
- easy quant quiz,
- and medium quant quiz (with your score on that quiz)
did you take?
Gregmat - Quant Quizzes By Difficulty
Be specific (what’s the title of the quiz), and also what your score was on the medium quiz (all you said is that you scored “very poorly”).
The quizzes are in Gregmat - “Solve proble>Various Quizes > Quant quizzes by difficulty” section (below link). I took first 2 test of medium difficulty and my test sore was and 4 and 6.
What is your desired score range?
In quant my target score is 162+. I have completed 5 medium difficulty quizzes in last 2 i scored 6 and 7 out of 10.
So here’s the mean of the medium quant quizzes:
70% may not be as bad as you think as a result. Also look at the grade you get on the quiz.
what should i do to improve my score?
I think you’re working at the 160s, so for your score range I’d say not much (unless ETS score results think otherwise).
Generally, for people at this score range, their foundations are usually OK. At this point strategy and time management becomes more important. Have you focused on those?
Thnaks for your feedback, i have started focusing on time , but i make lot of silly mistakes - not redaing the question properly, and other very stupid mistakes. I can finish a big book quant section within 30 min.
Finish the quant section early enough so that you’ll have time to recheck. This is pretty important; I’m prone to making such mistakes.