ETS Account Creation

Hi, I am new to GRE and planning to follow the 2-month plan . While knocking off from the list of things Greg Suggested doing, I was going to create my ETS account that’s where I came across the information that your first and last name should be exactly as in the ID proof , mostly I will be taking a home based test and for proof, I will use the passport. My concern here is in my passport my first and last name is in full Caps should I have to give my name in full caps or capitalization does not matter.


Josh Mathew is it fine or I should write as JOSH MATHEW (as in my passport)

And I am starting my very first phase of GRE learning with a Very weak foundation , any suggestions that I could follow down the road would be helpful because all the information available is very much intimidating.

Thanks in Advance

It’s shouldn’t be an issue.
Although, Matching it with the passport exactly, would eliminate any scope of error I guess.

Thanks, Varun