Does anyone know if Greg has a recorded video for ETS practice test 1?
I solved the paper but finding it hard to understand the solutions they mentioned in verbal without his math strategy approach.
Pls help if possible
Does anyone know if Greg has a recorded video for ETS practice test 1?
I solved the paper but finding it hard to understand the solutions they mentioned in verbal without his math strategy approach.
Pls help if possible
Here you go - PowerPrep Walkthroughs
Thanks for replying, but i wanted a link to the ETS official guide practice test 1
The link you shared is for the ETS powerprep test 1.
They both are different.
If you have any idea about the OG book test answers done by Greg let me know - especially for verbal cause the answers given by ETS does not use math strategy.
Greg hasn’t solved any test in the OG and PowerPrepPlus.