ETS test 2- Official guide

1. I have taken 2 cases which proves the ans to be D but the ans is C

2. Here x could be negative or positive

3. How do I go abt this?

4. I substituted nos I find this method time consuming

@Leaderboard cud u please check if my approach is correct?

Which two cases?

Doesn’t matter. As long as x \neq 1, 0, LHS is always -1.

The median would be the mean of the 12th and 13th integer. One of them is less than 50, while the other is greater than 50. What can you conclude about the median?

We have a < 1 and b > 1

This means that \frac{1}{a} > 1 and \frac{1}{b} < 1 (trying some examples may help).

Combine these two.

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I tried it again and Got It thanks a lot :smiley: