I just finished the old version 1 month study plan. I’m giving my GRE in about 2 weeks, and wanted to check in on what is advised to do till then? I’m thinking of continuing learning word sets beyond Group 18 (ideally all 940 words), and thinking of doing 5lb for quant (targeting weak areas), and continuing practicing from Big Book for verbal using the techniques. Also, for timed practice, I’m thinking of doing the 2 powerprep plus exams, will this be enough? What are your thoughts? Thank you, really enjoyed all the classes!! Will try to watch other recorded classes.
Your plan looks solid!
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Great plan, just give enough time before your exam to finish both PowerPrep plus exams. Greg has said that if you take it less than 5 or so days before your actual GRE and don’t get the score you want, you can kill your confidence before the exam.
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