For Greg: what were your original scores first try?

Hey! I am new on gregMAT and I am just curious where you were at when you originally took your first GRE. You obviously mastered it and teach it now :slight_smile: Juuuust curious. I find studying the GRE almost addicting and I can see myself trying to master it…(and all I have to hit is an average score). I previously was a nurse and I remember feeling like the NCLEX exam, the pass/fail exam nurses have to take to get their license, was daunting. I found studying for the NCLEX was actually kind of fun, like a puzzle, and I ended passing with the highest score you can get…and I probably put too much time into something that was just pass or fail lol. I have been a preceptor in the past for new nurses and enjoyed making something that seemed so daunting possible. Just curious where it all started for you!