Gave GRE, need advice on boosting quant score

Hi everyone,

So last month, I gave the GRE and got 152 in quant and 160 in verbal. I believe I can do better on the quant section and plan on giving the exam again, so can you please advise on how I can improve the quant score?

For quant preparation, I had referred only the complete GRE Quant Concept Series class recordings and the two free tests that come when you book the exam and nothing else.

My target for quant is at least 160 for which I have around 45 days for prep (including the daily 9 am - 5 pm job). I would appreciate any advice on:

  • Improving the quant score
  • What material (books, video lessons on gregmat+ etc.) I need to go through
  • Tips on how to better manage the time during the test for quant section

Also, kudos to gregmat for elucidating the quant/verbal/AWA concepts, which helped me in getting 312 :slight_smile:

Go to your diagnostic report and calculate the average time that you spent per question (As you got 35 mins to solve 20 question = less than 2 mins per question).

Also, look for the topics in which you have made mistakes and then figure out if you can improve on it in the given time frame. If you think you’re lacking the concepts then go through concept series/khan academny/ gre math review etc… If you think your concepts were solid then you need to expose yourself to some harder problems —> Go to site question bank / do some gmat problems.

Lastly, make sure you got an approach to tackle the section (i.e. if you’re strong in charts then skip on the real test until charts question appears etc. ) and look on how to manage your time in GRE ( → This link also contain retaking the GRE video, so you can give it a look too!!