Gave my POWERPREP® Online - Practice Test 2 yesterday. Looking for suggestions

I gave my POWERPREP ® Online - Practice Test 2 yesterday. I completed Greg’s 2 months plan and took a full length test first time. In the first verbal section I got 8/20 correct and in the second verbal section I got 9/20 correct. The main problem that I faced was in RCs. I realized I was not able to apply the RC tricks under timed conditions and basically did all the RC questions without the tricks (like a Joe).

In quant I was able to get 16/20 correct in the first section and 8/20 correct in the second quant section. The main problem I faced in quant was in 2nd section in which I was not able to understand how to attack a few questions (in some questions I was not able to identify which topic they are covering). I want to know how I can get more correct answers on harder quant questions.

I have my GRE exam two weeks later and am open to any suggestion/help.

Hey, I had the same issue and scored lower on my PP2 than PP1. You can practice the strategies on the big book questions under untimed practice and after you get comfortable with using them then do timed practice. For quant make sure you know all the concepts and shortcuts/tricks.
On the real test, I was able to score higher than on PP2 (Q - 163, V - 153) so don’t worry too much.

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