General help with RCs

Can someone, give a full proof way of attempting RCs? Also, how do u communicate with the author?..How do you speed up?..Another thing inference questions are literally playing Russian roulette with me :confused: :woman_facepalming: Any tips on that as well?

I seem to struggle a lot applying Greg’s techniques…and 2 mins on short passages seem impossible and 3 mins on long passages :confused:

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Watch the session 5 of the reading season 2 , In that post 28-30mins Greg talks about the important words to look out in the passage and what they signals. After watching that video take a big book passage and try to skimp through is 2-3 mins by only focusing on those words and in the process trying to get the meaning of what the passage it saying. Repeat and review the process enough and you’ll be able to skimp to passages in 2-3 mins.

Hi, thanks so much. Appreciate it :slight_smile: