With the current state of competition in Masters especially for STEM subjects, I would just advice to choose schools from varied ranks For eg: choose 2 from top 30, then 3 from top 50-200 and 2 from 200+
Thanks for the reply.
Yeah the competition is crazy. I will be applying to others schools too. But, regarding the higher ranked ones(not talking about the ivy league and MIT), is 163 in quant considered a low score which would rather hurt my application.
Really hard to tell , because for Unis that have made it optional {you don’t have to worry} but for ones that didn’t , it can raise an issue ,for eg: if the unis received too many application for a particular program then they can sort by GPA,GRE score etc… to trim down the list.
Just sent you a friend request on discord cause I’m in the exact same boat applying to top MSDS programs for fall 23. Haven’t taken GRE yet though (I take on oct 3rd)