Getting into Top MS Data Science Programs with 163Q score

Pretty disappointed with my quant score. I was wondering if this quant score would hinder my chances for an admit into the top 30 MS DS programs.

Given that many unis are having GRE as optional, should I avoid reporting the scores in my application?

P.S. - Anyone else applying for Fall 23 MS DS? would love to connect and maybe help each other out with the application process.
Discord - Skyck#4161

With the current state of competition in Masters especially for STEM subjects, I would just advice to choose schools from varied ranks For eg: choose 2 from top 30, then 3 from top 50-200 and 2 from 200+

Thanks for the reply.
Yeah the competition is crazy. I will be applying to others schools too. But, regarding the higher ranked ones(not talking about the ivy league and MIT), is 163 in quant considered a low score which would rather hurt my application.

Really hard to tell , because for Unis that have made it optional {you don’t have to worry} but for ones that didn’t , it can raise an issue ,for eg: if the unis received too many application for a particular program then they can sort by GPA,GRE score etc… to trim down the list.

Just sent you a friend request on discord cause I’m in the exact same boat applying to top MSDS programs for fall 23. Haven’t taken GRE yet though (I take on oct 3rd)

That makes sense. Thanks for the help.

hey we can connect since i’m too giving gre on oct3 and planning ms in ds

Sure, are u on discord?