Hi guys. I joined gremat few days ago. I’m currently on day 3.
getting slightly over 50% answers INCORRECT during the practice session videos.
The same situation in Manhattan 5lb book chapters,
Divisibility and Primes,
Fractions and Decimals,
Did B.Sc. Comp Sci. Math concepts are sound. Getting overwhelmed, especially due to time limit. Try my best to solve in 90 secs.
Worked through the ETS Math Review Guide before starting GregMat+ plan.
Have a few questions.
- Is this normal? Or am I just performing too badly? If yes, any ways to improve performance, other than looking at the answer explanations?
- How do I improve? both, the speed of solving and the correctness of answer.
I think we shouldn’t rush to the conclusion this soon. Give time to the material to sink in and after 30 days if you still see that you haven’t improve then that’s the time to make changes.
Absolutely yes. I remember being horrible at divisibility and primes but by the end of the plan, I was feeling pretty good about it.
Make an error log
I’m writing general points about what to not do in a note book. Do I have to be specific than that, like keeping an excel sheet of Error Logs?
Alright, Thanks. I’ll give it some time and do more practice on those topics.
I would highly encourage that, slowly you’ll identify the kind of mistakes or topics you get wrong. I went back to them from time to time during my prep.