Hey everyone, I am preparing to start studying effectively this time as that was most probably the biggest problem my last (and also my first) attempt. So I watched some of the introductory videos and found the last recommendation about finding a community in order to remain sane very useful. During my last attempt I was not in contact with anyone who was going through the same experience or even knew anything about the existence of the GRE. I was wondering whether you guys have suggestions which online community you joined that is user friendly and free of trolls (well maybe free is too much to ask but you know what I mean, let’s call it a focused community then). I saw discord was discontinued (which we don’t use that much in the Netherlands anyway or maybe not in my social groups) so have people “migrated” to another platform perhaps? I abandoned all social media (except LinkedIn) so any place that does not violate our brains with targeted ads and other crap preferably. Thanks for helping out! Best, Nazanin