GRE Practice tests

Wanted to know what are the best practice test (paid and free) that are most accurate to the actual GRE.
Lemme know which ones you have done and what was your experience of it

Free: PowerPrep 1 and PowerPrep 2
Paid: PowerPrepPlus 1, PowerPrepPlus 2 , PowerPrepPlus 3

Gave PP1 , PP2 and PPP1 and PPP3 before my GRE, score was really close to what I was scoring on PPPs

@HoldMyBeer How frequently should we be taking these? I know Greg mentioned quality over quantity but should I aim for at least one a week? P.S. I am on Week 3 of the 2 month plan.

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PP1 after 15 days of prepping ; pp2 after 30 days , PPP1 10 days before my GRE, PPP3 5 days before my GRE. At that time , GregMat didn’t offer any monthly plans so, I just follow my own plan!

did you give any third-party tests?
I’m currently giving all the free tests available, a test every week
Ofc i’m taking these scores with a grain of salt and also checking on quora how people found these tests in comparison to gre, but is it a good approach?

I gave Manhattan 3 fulltest because my friend bought them and didn’t use them (they only used 2 out of 6). Although, the best thing out them was I was able to develop a sitting habit for 4hrs other than that they aren’t really useful in my personal opinion better to buy 1 PowerPrepPlus for that amount

oh okay, cool…powerprep makes sense


are pp 1 & 2, the free ones, similar to gre? except for the pps not having an experimental section of course. The difficulty wise?

Yes, they do not have the experimental sections. However, the difficulty level is slightly less compared to the actual GRE.