Gregmat 2 Month plan Question - Diagnostic Test

Hi everybody, I would like to hear your thoughts on this one:

I’m following Gregmat 2-month plan and currently finished day 6 on the first week.
Next, by the plan, I have to take the diagnostic test.

So far I’ve encountered many SE/TC question in which I didn’t know MANY of the meanings of the words in the answer choices, therefore got them wrong. I did study and memorized Greg vocabulary through the plan (so far did only 3 sets).

I’m afraid that doing the diagnostic test would not be worthwhile, because I wouldn’t know the meaning of words that I don’t even met yet.
On the other side, I practiced very well the strategies (Math+Pairing).

Do you think I should try the diagnostic test? If so, how to consider the score and the questions where I did not know certain words?

If not, what else is recommended for me? I must say my english is good as well as my vocabulary, though this is a never ending story.

Diagnostic test is there for pinpointing your weakness and then working on them rather than working on each & everything. I would highly encourage you to give the diagnostic as it makes prepping a lot easier.

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How did it make prepping more easier?

Imagine going to a supermarket without a shopping list. You’d wander around, relying on your memory or getting swayed by attractive offers, leading to buying things you already have and forgetting what you actually needed. On the other hand, having a checklist of just three items helps you stay focused and avoid distractions.

Similarly, the GRE diagnostic serves as a checklist, sparing you from studying topics you’re already proficient in, so you can concentrate on your weak points.