GregMat Quan Probelms

I have pracrised so many ETS quesions and found my performance to be good. However, when I attempted to solve GregMat question, I found many of the questions to be very difficult ! are they in the same level as what we should expect in the actual GRE or is it harder ?

depends the Quant problem as well as Quant mocks are a bit on harder side so even I get difficulties finishing them on time, despite be Q166 in both the powerprep and I find myself pretty good. These questions are lengthy a bit

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how are you solving them ? topic wise or mixed practice?

I mostly do topic wise medium/hard problem, as my QUANT scores were 37/40 in both the powerprep , so I am just mastering the Traps , especially the Traps they throw in ARITHMETIC saying Integers/Numbers/ Distinct/Not distinct , like that , I often tend to miss out so being midful and slow deliberately to master that.

However I do agree the Quant mocks of Greg are a bit tough slightly because I just finish them with no time left, in real test I usually get time left so I think the questions are a bit lengthy