Guys i need tips!

can you give me tips ,as i have only 12 days to go? what should i focus on more ?or anything

Have you given GRE before or is this your first attempt ?

it’s my first attempt

if you haven’t given PP1 (PowerPrep-1) then give it as a diagnostic and based on the result of it, try to improvise the specific topics in which you think any slight improvement can be done given your time-limit.

as i am going to 1 moth plan of greg , it’s enough for preparation?

are you following the 1 month plan from before or are you trying to do the one-month plan in the matter of 12 days?

no i am currently on 21 day

i have given the power plan-1 , and score 300

That means you need to work on every part of the test! Continue on with the plan and at-least try to finish all the activities mentioned for a particular day and after that if you still have time-remaining then try to focus on revising vocabulary and reviewing what you learnt earlier!

ok thnx

What is PP1? I’m doing the one month prep course as well. My GRE is Feb 10th.

It is labelled as the diagnostic test in the one month plan, the one you give after one week of prep

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Thank you