Has anyone adapted the 2-month plan?

Hi All,
I just joined this community and I was wondering if anyone had adapted the two-month plan to fit a 3-month schedule? I plan to take the GRE in mid-August and I’m not sure that I can dedicate enough time to fit the two month plan along with full-time work and two side projects. Any advice and experience regarding adapting the plan?


Hello @tparsons9,

I am currently sticking to the two months plan of GregMat+. Initially, I was able to stick with his schedule, but after 4th week of his plan, it became hard to catch up. I feel that the volume to cover during the initial weeks was much lesser than the fourth week but aside from that, it was hard for me as I’m a working professional and was struggling to create time for the GRE.

I’m currently in the mid of the fourth week according to his schedule and it took me around 5-6 weeks to get here, by spending around 20 hours a week. This is subjective as people with more time or learning at a faster pace can complete it more quickly.

I find it hard to quantify if 3 months would be enough and hence, I have explained my scenario so that that this might help you to relate it with yours! Hope this helps, and good luck with your exam!