Help on Vocab PLEASE :(

I am following greg list and I saw many recommending to also learn 2 to 3 synonyms for each word. When I google the original Greg words,I see a lot of unknown synonyms and when I open those synonyms again I see a whole bunch of synonyms that are unknown to me. Thi chain is going on and on. Yesterday I collected like 40 words just from a single Greglist word. Am I doing wrong? How do you guys learn vocab? Is there any limit on where you guys keep to stop looking for synonyms? I feel like I am overkilling it, but again words on gre are not guaranteed from original list so, I feel this whole entire process laborious

Can you guys suggest me your approach on learning vocab? Are you restricted to lists or if you lookup synonyms how or where do you stop? Or like How can I be flexible in learning vocab process?

Do the individual vocab tests over and over again
At last solve the So u think u know words!

You mean these will be enough? No need of synonyms and all?

Its easier to do it that way imo…I already am equipped with a good vocab…Quizlet is good but you need to revise those vocab everyday…The vocab will help you in a lot of ways…Do what’s best for you…I personally feel its easier for me to connect when Greg gives a situation and explains words otherwise it just obliterates from my mind :confused: …Also I am getting old :frowning:

Dude take it slow. Vocabulary takes time, especially synonyms. One suggestion I’d give, and this worked quite well for me, is associating people and things around your life with words. This way your words are attached to a memory, an anchor of some sort. You’re not making conclusions or anything, just associating a word to better describe it or them.

For example, say you have a short temper, describe yourself with the word irascible. You get it? Another one would be the word evanescent, which you could associate with a sunset.

They work for me, so try it for yourself.