Help regarding GRE prep

Hi guys,
I haven’t been able to keep up with the 2 month study plan due to some health issues and I have 10 days left for the GRE. Can someone please suggest what are the main things I should be doing in these 10 days. I have finished 4-1/2 weeks of 2 month plan till now. Please help me out here as I am freaking out about how will I cope up with the remaining plan in just 10 days!

Hey Doc,
Let me start by saying, don’t let the GRE stress you out; we’re all in this boat together, navigating the challenging waters of test preparation.

Here’s a personal tip for you: I highly recommend planning and breaking down your available days based on understanding strategies (Q/V/AWA) , allocating time for both timed and untimed practice questions, honing your strategy execution by practicing more, fitting in mock tests {if your schedule allows} , and, last but not least, remember to stay cool, calm, and well-hydrated throughout this GRE prep journey.

If you’re currently in Week 4 of the 2-month plan, consider focusing on the following sections

1) Verbal

A) For Reading Comprehension :

If you’re also a member of prepswift, then check out below one

  • Prepswift Verbal (Only if you have taken prepswift membership too) (Link)

Alternatively, you can explore these dedicated links for RC and Critical Reasoning.

  • Dedicated Reading Comprehension (Link)

  • Dedicated Critical Reasoning (Link)

B) For Text Completion and Sentence Completion:

a) OG (Official Guide - Verbal Section)
b) ETS - GRE - Verbal Reasoning Book
c) ETS Bigbook Test ( TC/RC)
d) In-house aka Gregmat Questions
e) Sentence Completion ( SE Quizzes Link )

2) Quant

  • Prepswift Quant Section wise (This one’s for you if you’ve got a Prepswift membership. If not, no worries—just skip to the next point after this.) ( Quant Section Wise Link)
    Feel free to give this one a look to grasp all the fundamentals, or if you’re already solid on the basics, you can dive right into the exercises under each video in the same section.

  • For practicing fundamentals concepts more, you can try out the small quant quiz to gain more confidence with the topics. ( Quant Flashcards)
    To solidify your fundamental skills and problem-solving abilities, I recommend checking out the Essential Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, and Data Analysis videos available in the study plan. These Essential stuff will give your core math skills a robust workout.

  • PRACTICE STUFF : Here’s your lineup:
    a) OG (Official Guide - Quant Section)
    b) ETS - GRE - Quant Reasoning Book
    c) Gregmat Quant Quizzes
    d) Manhattan 5LB Quant (if you’ve still got some time left)

  • Strategies/Tips:
    Improving Quant Skills
    Which Quant Approach is Best ??
    Quant Strategies
    Quant Tips, Tricks & Shortcuts
    Prepswift Quant Techniques (Shorter Version in the last section of the page) : Prepswift Quant Strategies

3) AWA
How-to-write Issue : Issue Template Link
Claim-Reason Prompt : Claim-Reason Prompt Link
Issue writing Live : Issue Essay Link
Check out only Issue part of it [Only if time permits] : Essay Feedback Hrs

4) Must see Videos - Shot of motivation for your study routine
These are the absolute must-watch videos that will supercharge your GRE preparation.
Must Watch Videos
Follow the Process - Verbal / Quant/ AWA

5) MOCK Tests/Practice Sets

  1. OG - Test I, Test II
  2. PowerPrep I, II
  3. PowerPrep - Paid ones
  4. Quant Reasoning Book - Practice Sets
  5. Verbal Reasoning Book - Practice Sets

Phew! That’s almost all the bookmarks I’ve got for my GRE prep right now. But here’s a golden nugget of advice: If you want to delve even deeper into your GRE studies, be sure to explore the recorded classes. They hold a wealth of additional knowledge and insights.

Apologies for such a long response, I know it’s a bit long, but I’ve tried to keep it as concise as I could. Feel free to skip through if you’ve got the hang of some parts already.

Happy studying, and best of luck with your GRE preparation and Exam !



Thank you so much. This really gave me a kickstart. Thanks a ton again:)

  1. In 10 days , 200 Vocab , 20 each and these should be those words that you don’t know , so just cross the known words from vocab mountain
  2. Do ETS all Verbal/Quant problem: 5 days
  3. Do additional Quant topics whatever you feel weak or do hard level questions in area where you feel more practice required, and go through Quant flashcards again to keep foundation in check .
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