Help with rephrasing!


Can someone help with rephrasing this first line of the second paragraph? and why that statement is true?



This is a pretty big idea but if you break it down by the verb “is” and the structure with the dashes, it sort of makes it easier.

I rephrase this sentence as if you don’t accept old ideas of activities you are basically rejecting modern activities as a form of leisure too.

There is a lot of words in that sentence so I just focused on the words “reject”, " is not to deny", “commonly considered”

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Hi there, tbh, this is one of the most discouraged forms of writing. If you see, author is separating semantics of sentence that is of type A->B into two whole separate sentences, and he does it by adding a lot of jargon.

So, coming to this question, if we were able to ignore all the jargon, the only words that stand out are “not to deny”. This says that author is trying to give a concession. The very next sentence(“What is involved…”) is what author is try to say. He set up the sentence 1 just to get here, although its weird because whenever we see words like “not to”, usually the other point is presented in same sentence. Maybe author felt weird to have 6 lines of single sentence and so decided to do in new sentence.

Tldr: author is saying that the primary reason for denying concepts on leisure is not to reject that medieval jobs are now considered as leisure but middle age folks did not consider that these jobs(disparate – from their perspective) would evolve to leisure as per today and those ancient folks thought each activity as a separate stream kinda thing and vice versa

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Thanks @Ram!!
Follow-up question, I have heard of Greg talking about concession too, I sometimes get it and sometimes miss it. Why is “not to deny” indication concession? is there a list of words that could indicate concession?
In terms of complexity, would this be among the harder passages to comprehend for the GRE?


“I rephrase this sentence as if you don’t accept old ideas of activities you are basically rejecting modern activities as a form of leisure too”

Can you please elaborate on how you came to this conclusion?


It means author accepts that other side too has a point but going to bring up some other strong point.

For list of words, our friend Meynoush compiled it, thanks for her dedication, we got this Meynoush lists for *** Support/ Contrast/ Author's Opinion ***

In terms of complexity, I agree that yes, its tough.

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I think it’s like when someone wants to admit something.

Hi @Meynoush, by any chance do you have any notes/list on types of passages seen in verbal? Like comparision passage, explaining a process kinda passage and such…

No, unfortunately not. But I believe Greg has a series of videos about those.