How attainable is a 290?

I have been studying and using GregMat off and on for the past several months. I have just finished practicing the analytical writing portions and feel somewhat confident about it. I need a 3.5 in the writing and a 290 minimum. I am very content if I get a 290 as only one graduate program I am applying to is still requiring the GRE, so I will only be sending it to that one school, and the rest of the pre-requisites I have done pretty well in. I have the above-average GPA, and several extracurriculars. I guess my question is how attainable is a 290? Is it a score that I should be stressing about or if I have studied a little I should be fine?

Thanks in advance.

Its within reach as the lowest score you can get is 260 , 130 each in both sections verbal and quant