How can I be good at Quantitative comparison questions?

I hope you guys are doing great. Whenever I try to practice questions from the GRE sources or 5lb book, I tend to lose score on quantitative comparison questions or you can say I struggle with quantitative comparison questions. What advice do you suggest that can boost my score in QC questions?


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I would say save them for the last . As, GRE Quant section is fixed in the order of question types that you’ll encounter QC —> DQ and at last DI . So, if you’re good at charts (DI) then do them first and then approach the rest of the section. Also, try to simply the information present or the Quantities that you’re given before plugging in the value. And when they gave you variables it means that they’re real number so, don’t just test integers unless some additional information is also given.

x^2y^3>0 it means that quantity x can be anything but quantity y has to be positive.

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Also watch quant strategies under non-sequential classes :

I am right now watching Dedicated quant section videos and then I will be watching quant strategy classes. Are there any other classes in quant which you think will be useful.

I intend to give the GRE exam at the end of October. So, I have time to prepare.

I actually forget what the difference b/w those two :sweat_smile: but make sure you practice what you learn (You can go to greprepclub and filter via QC ) so you get comfortable using those because we tend to go back to our old habits when we are under time constraint conditions like when you give your PPs.

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Yo same! I do really well when I have actual numbers to compute but get stumped on the QCs. I know often choosing numbers works, but I get so into them I start using negatives and decimals for almost all of these questions and run out of time…

Is there a specific strategy you all like to use? Or something I should study? I think maybe my algebraic roots are lacking so I’m focusing on that now. :cry:

Hi, I was also in the same boat like you. It took numerous practice, some blood and sweat to reach where I am now…lol…No shortcut there. Just practice. Watch a few Greg’s videos and techniques. Greg has a lot of questions on this website. You can attempt them. Hope this helps. Also need to clear your concepts. First things first.

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