How do I prepare I'm still confused

I tried to start the one month plan but I couldn’t really wrap my head around it since I’m really bad at math. I tried to follow the 2 month plan and I understand the basics now like prime factorization , integers etc but when I sit down to practice the questions from let’s say the 5lb book I can’t even get a single question right. The questions are confusing and I’m not sure what strategy I would have to apply to the questions.

What am I doing wrong? Any guidance would be highly appreciated.

Did you take a look at the solution and did it make sense to you? Strategy comes later. Also don’t let it discourage you. If you haven’t, I’d recommend going through the explanations at the end of the chapter and then try doing the problems again.

The problem is not you, we’re all a little rusty in the beginning, good luck!