Sorry if this is kind of a stupid question, but I’ve seen in Greg’s walkthroughs of student’s score breakdowns that the amount of time spent on each question is visible. I can’t find that anywhere though when I’m reviewing both my PP scores and my PP plus scores.
Am I just totally missing it, or did ETS make such info no longer visible?
I think you can download the report HughJanus.
This information is not available in the practice tests.
I don’t get it why they don’t do that with the practice test. Maybe it’s a upcoming paid feature…
I can’t even find it for my real exam that I gave two weeks ago. Do they send it much later or something?
I got the scrore report they sent after 10 days but it doesn’t show any breakdown of how much time I spent on each question. Is that info no longer disclosed?
It’s not even shown in my score report from my real exam that they sent after 10-15 days after my exam. is this info no longer disclosed?
Oh damn I see it, it’s under ‘Diagnostics’