Hey everybody,
Has anyone done the 2-month plan in less than 8 weeks?
I have a little over 4 weeks left for my test and I am aiming for a 165+ in quant and 160+ in verbal. Since the 1-month plan does not cover everything, I don’t think it is sufficient to get the score I am aiming for. Or is it?
I am at day 7 of week 1 of the 2-month plan and I am finding it quite difficult to complete more than 1 day’s worth of material in one day. It has become pretty obvious to me that I need to target my approach. How do I do this? The seemingly obvious way is to take PowerPrep test 1 and identify my weak areas and work from there. However, all of the videos on the 2-month plan (even the basic ones like about integers) teach me something new, so I am reluctant to leave out anything.
Any suggestions on how I should structure my remaining 4 weeks? Should I power through and try to finish the entire 2-month plan (possibly draining the life out of me in the process) or should I throw in the towel and start skipping topics?