Hi, @gregmat it’s been 2 months since I started prepping for GRE and I’m almost done with the 2-month study plan. I Recently took a paper-based mock in the official guide and got 314(152V 162Q). I’m following all the processes but still, I’m not getting the confidence to book a test. I’m doing big book currently I’m on test-11 and it’s like a rollercoaster ride. For example, In Test- 8 and 9 I got around 11/14 correct in-text completion and a couple wrong in long passages. But in test 10 or 11 in which the dextral passage I got around 60% correct and 8/14 correct in-text completion.
I know it's a vague question to ask how to improve my score from 314 to around 326 but any help from you will be definitely appreciated. in Qunatrs it can increase 5-6 marks. I'm worried bout verbal.