How to Optimize Quant Solving Speed

I noticed taking much time in the arithmetic type, Quadratic questions, two variable equations questions e.g. [screenshot attached below, There’re a lot of similar types of questions I came across which were straightforward but can’t skip calculation, does practising only improve speed or do I am missing any trick or shall adopt any strategy? @gregmat @HoldMyBeer

See attachement below, it took me 2^1/4 mins still got wrong as only solving for c2 = a2 + b2 will work. can i optimize this. can’t afford to spend 3 mins on med question @gregmat pls help Thanks!
Screenshot 2021-09-15 at 6.43.37 PM

Hey, I would say practice is definitely important. Additionally, try to find shortcuts, try new ways to solve these problems(using answers, number substitution) and over time you will speed up.

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yea, going through greg quant tricks videos surely that will help, Thanks :slight_smile: