How to use PP1 disheartening performance

Hi Guys

I would appreciate your thoughts on how best to proceed, given that I am off where I want/need to be.

I have a test booked for 07/06 and am following the 1-month plan. I am on Day 10, currently. Having just taken PP1, I scored a disheartening 151/151. I’ll let you guess which section was which score :stuck_out_tongue:

I previously took the GRE in March and scored 153/153/5.5, so really feel like I am at a plateau and not sure how/what I am doing wrong/how best to proceed.

I have looked through the PP1 breakdown and have isolated the following areas where I struggled:

V1 (14/20):
TCs I got all >1 blank incorrect.
Long passage = 3 x incorrect.

V2 (6/20):
TCs/short passage and logical conclusion passage, all wrong. (Basically this section in particular was a s*** show).
SE, not too bad.

Q1 (12/20):
PS algebra and arithmetic.
Data Analysis
Multiple select

Q2 (11/20):
Word problems
Algebra PS
Arithmetic rules

I have a diagnostic report from my official test that basically replicates these results, but with lower raw scores. With the exception of section V2, where my partner decided to ruin my concentration, the rest of the sections are what I have been plateauing at. Also, given that I’m basically hitting - give or take - half marks per section, I am getting about half of everything incorrect. (As well as half of everything correct).

This leaves me with a difficulty in how to focus on the key weak areas, as I seem to generally be doing something wrong across the board.

In general, I tend to get quite flustered when under the testing conditions. Loads of careless errors on review.

I really want to improve on my official 153/153, and was hoping for a high 150s, but that is looking quite unrealistic now. Nonetheless, I have two weeks, will skip over the AWA days, so have just enough time to squeeze in the remainder of the 1-month plan. Any thoughts on where I should put more focus/general advice, given the above?

Thanks in advance, sorry for the long post.



Thank you, I will take a look through these :slight_smile:

I dont know how much time u can study in one day, for two weeks but im assuming that atleast 2hrs. I will only talk about verbal side.

You say that you have problem with TC, so I suggest that you use the TC questions in Big book as practice for applying TC strategy. Now greg teaches many strategies like time contrast, previous reference, math strat, but I found that math strategy was the only one I could consistently apply while practicing.

Hence my personal opinion is to watch his TC season, atleast 1 episode per day, then apply those strats on big book TC questions. Try to focus more on math strategy and really squeeze out the math behind TC questions.

In real gre you will have to have good vocab too to be able to attempt TC questions so being able to atleast recognize his 840 word list would be very helpful.

For RC, I would suggest dedicated Reading season 3 not the season in one month plan. Also apply those techniques in Big book passages.

(Im assuming you’ll have enough time to do these, I did the RC season 3 two weeks before my real exam, one episode per day, then applying on real passages.)

(If you dont have time then maybe wait for someone else’s advice.)

I cant give you any advice for quant sadly.
You can do it if you focus on concepts and not half-guessing answers. Have evidence backing your each answer and you will prevail.

Thank you so much for this considered advice. Really useful, I will be sure to follow the recommendations you have given. Is there any particular reason why you suggest RC Season 3 vs. what is in the one month plan, (I’m did not know there were different seasons…)? I do have time, within the two weeks, so this is a positive. Hopefully will be able to get through the lot in time. I shall keep you posted!

season 3 is more structured and when I finished it I could feel a difference when applying strats to passages. I struggled with RC too and season 3’s episodes of justify answer and eliminate answers helped me get good score in real gre.

Cool! thank you for the advice. I will give it a go.