I am getting inconsistent mock scores

Hi everyone,

I have been studying for the gre for the past 2 weeks (subscribed to gregMAT 2 month plan) and plan to take the gre end of September.

Here are my scores:

Kaplan 1st full length mock before prep, 10th Aug: Q167, V150
PP1 official mock, 18th Aug: Q158 V150
Princeton full length mock, 31st Aug : Q155 V154

I am not sure if I am improving. My target score is 326 (Q163, V163). Am I doing something wrong?

What exactly have you been doing from the 2 month plan?

Hi, thanks for replying. I am on week 3 of the 2 month plan; been following exercises from Quant 5lb book and practicing gregMAT questions and doing all verbal exercises - course videos + practice sessions + verbal mountain

I don’t think you should be taking mocks at this stage right? The study plan doesn’t tell you to take mocks apart from at the end of week 1, right?

Yes, you’re right. It doesn’t. I just thought taking mocks would give me an idea of how I am progressing. But do you think the issue is that I am not fully prepared or through with all the courses?

Also, I am planning to take the test around end of September. Do you think it is a manageable timeframe?

It doesn’t necessarily. If your score goes down, that’s not always a bad sign, because you are doing targetted prep on your foundation which means your strategy or other aspects might be being neglected. You can just follow the study plan.

I’m not sure about that, it depends on a lot of factors.

Oh, I see. Thank you so much. That was helpful to know