I have my GRE on 7th June, NEED SOME ADVICE!

Hi everyone, yesterday I gave my Powerprep Test 2 and I got a score of 312 (161 Q + 151 V). I’m an engineer and hence I think I have good quant skills. In the previous tests, I got 321(169 Q + 152 V) in both PP1 and Official Guide Practice Test 2. I need some advice on how to work on my preparation in this final week, cause I aim to get a 320+ score.


Review your PP2 scores.
Understand what mistakes you made(it could be anything like the state of your mind, weather, concentration, etc.) and then try to tackle them.

I did. mostly were silly mistakes. :expressionless:

So just think of it as a test, don’t panic because of it.
As Greg says - “It’s just a test. Your life doesn’t depend on it. GRE only measures a very esoteric skill set.”
Just stay calm and aplomb.

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I feel you bro!
I’m in my penultimate year of engineering too, and almost every time, I get around 2 questions wrong in each quant section :frowning:
I hope these silly mistakes go down on the actual test xD. Just focusing on the verbal section now :metal:
Taking the test on June 11.
Good luck to you :slight_smile:


Yes exactly. Good luck to you too

Keep your head up! I’m in the same boat, except taking it June 11th. Missing a few questions habitually is discouraging, but remember the scores you’re getting in powerprep are already pretty good, and as others have said, the GRE isn’t an all-encompassing test. You got this. Keep us updated on how ya do :slight_smile:
