I honestly don't feel prepared for quant

I just did all the day 1 prep for quant, both his long videos AND prepswift. When it came to the practice questions I felt incredibly unprepared, like his prep didn’t cover what he asked about. Honestly reminded me of high school where the tests we had were nothing at all like the homework or what we did in class. Very frustrated and I think maybe I should look for prep elsewhere. I used to be a teacher and this infuriates me.

Hi, I’m aware that you’ve contacted the customer service representatives about this. Have you seen Study Plans FAQ | Greg Mat+ Helpdesk by the way? I think that would answer many of your questions.

If you have further questions, please ask them here.

Hi, don’t be discouraged. I feel you. The videos are merely an enabling foundation to help us to solve the problems. GRE is a logic test and quant or verbal is merely the medium to exhibit our logic skill. Power through the question and review the solution given to see if you understand the proposed solution. With sufficient exercise, you should be able to nail similar questions. If you still don’t understand it, this is where this forum helps a lot to untie the knots. Best of luck

Ps: there are questions where I am stuck for 30 min long (not a lot but there are and I am on 1 month programme, aiming for GRE test on 29 Feb!)

If you’re tackling these topics after a while, then the information contained in those videos can become quite burdensome to absorb in such a short duration. I would suggest reading the ETS Math Review(can be found under this link) line-by-line for a week before returning to Greg’s suggested plan’s schedule.