Is notetaking really important

Is notetaking really important in Gregmat 2 month plan, particularly for quants?
and secondly, Is writing vocab words in notebook really helpful?

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It depends on your studying style, really. Depending on your diagnostic score you may be weak, moderate or strong in quants, so it’s entirely up to you.

Secondly, in brief, it’s extremely helpful. However, it takes too much time and there are some fantastic tools online to help you save time. For instance, the quizlet decks of Greg’s 28 lists or the anki deck of Magoosh 1000 cards.

(Secondly, in brief, it’s extremely helpful. However, it takes too much time)

In these lines what are you specificaly talking about?Thankyou

fixed it in the edit! I was addressing your vocab note taking query

should i write them down in notebook or i should make micrsosoft word document?

and have you taken your GRE?
if yes what was your score?
and when?

Whatever works for you. I was familiar with Anki so I just plugged in the quizlet sets to my Anki decks.

Here you go:

ankiapp or ankidroid?

I use it on my desktop. The iOS app costs $25 and the Ankidroid app is free, both of them may lack the flexibility of the desktop app.

How you plugged the quizlet sets to anki decks?

It’s pretty easy, just google how to import quizlet decks to anki and you’ll see for yourself. There are lots of youtube videos on it too