Is Oddly a negative pivot?

yeah in this tc question , i treated oddly as a negative pivot and choose clangorous, but tepid was the answer . So iam confused that oddly plays a negative or a positive role?

hello @vv50517,

Oddly is indeed describing the sound to be negative. The last part of the sentence is one of the important clues because they are describing the sound based on the energy the players are putting into it. So the sentence can be broken down as:

‘The group’s performance was elegant, but the sound was oddly tepid, given the energy the players seemed to be putting into it.’

Here, clangorous is not the best answer choice. The clangorous sound and energy of the players do not relate to each other as it is mentioned that the performance was elegant.

Hope this helps.:slight_smile:

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It’s a negative role but it’s acting on the word “energy.” So you are looking for the opposite of energy.

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So as the blank refers to the “sound”, it should contrast energy, is it right?

I’d say yes. “The sound was oddly _____, given the energy”

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