Issue with Support Contrast Question

There is ‘that’ before the second blank , isn’t it a support word?
Can someone help me out?

Nope, it’s part of the idea. The sentence looks something like this when broken down:

[Meetings at the company are by design i)-----------][, (=)][[management fearing that an overly ii)__________ structure [would inhibit (-)] the [iii)-------- [and (=)] spontaneity] for which the company is so well-known] ]

You have to do B3 first, then B2 which completes the RHS of the comma, which means you can then do B1.

Thank you , I am struggling a bit with this , as of now I have 70% only on the test , I have completed 50% of the problems.
When I complete it , do I need to reset and start again?

I think 70% is good, and we should note this exercise isn’t perfect either, because there could be ways to solve the questions that we didn’t think of.

Oh I see.
Can I just ask my support or contrast questions here only or do I need to make seperate thread for each?

In any case

Can you please explain how is this support , the idea is technology is becoming obsolete right?
So it should be contrast no?

The comma tells you that need to support the idea that “technology is advancing”. In order to continue the idea of “technological advancements”, you need to indicate that “not advancing” (refusing to adapt) will not work. So this gives you a clue to predict the blank.